Archive | Sunday evenings

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Prayer and Praise Evening

On Sunday 3rd March we will have a Prayer and Praise Evening in the church from 5.30 pm. This informal gathering is a chance to draw back from the busyness of life to rest in God’s presence and be renewed. Tea and coffee will be served beforehand in the Welcome Area from 5pm.

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Carols by Candlelight

Our Carols by Candlelight Service will be held on Sunday 17th December at 6.30 pm in the church, followed by refreshments in Trinity Hall. This is a great evening of readings and Christmas music at a special time of the year, and everyone is welcome. This year our collection will be used to support two local charities: 1.    The first, North Down Community Network, is well known […]

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Prayer and Praise

On Sunday evening, 21 st May, we will be having our next Prayer and Praise evening in the church from 5.30pm to 6.30pm. (We’ll gather beforehand at 5.00pm for tea/coffee and treats – and a chance to chat.) This will be an informal evening as we seek to connect with God in worship and prayer. (This service will not be streamed […]

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