We are a Christian fellowship, drawn from all parts of the Bangor area.
The congregation of Trinity, Bangor, was formed in 1829 in response to population growth, and was known as Second Bangor until 1894. It moved to the current building on Main Street in August 1888.
The first minister was Rev. William Patteson, who was scarcely 21 years of age at his ordination, and who continued in active service for almost 50 years. It is interesting to note that the famous Ulster evangelist of the 1920s and 1930s, W.P.Nicholson, was named after Mr. Patteson, having grown up in the congregation.
Two Trinity ministers have been elected Moderator of the General Assembly: Rev. William Clarke in 1889 and Rev. John T. Carson in 1969. Dr. Carson is perhaps best remembered for his book on the 1859 Revival in Ulster, entitled “God’s River in Spate.”
List of Trinity’s Ministers: 1829-Present:
- Rev. William Patteson: 1829-1885
- Rev. William Clarke: 1879-1892 (colleague and then successor to Rev. William Patteson)
- Rev. R.J.Morrell: 1893-1928
- Rev. David Dowling: 1928-1932
- Rev. W.G.Wimperis: 1933-1948
- Rev. John T.Carson: 1948-1976
- Rev. H. Dermot McMorran: 1976-1992
- Rev. W. Alistair Kennedy: 1993-2006
- Rev. Ricky Montgomery: 2007 – 2016
- Rev. Stephen Orr: 2016 –
In addition, numerous assistant ministers over many years have received part of their training here, and their occasional return visits are a source of much pleasure.