
Our morning service, which is contemporary in style, includes contemporary worship songs and traditional hymns, reading the Bible, prayer and Bible teaching and interviews. We continue to search for new ways to present the unchanging truth of the Gospel and to lead our people into a deeper realisation of who God is as we worship him.

We meet on Sunday mornings at 10:30am; the average service lasts about one hour and ten minutes.

We welcome children of all ages into our services. Each Sunday we have Kingdom Kids for children from age 3 up to P7 age, meeting during the second part of the service. This group also provides an opportunity for our teenage members to serve on a rota basis as Leaders in Training (LITs), and be mentored towards leadership, while investing in those slightly younger than themselves.

Prayer Ministry is available at the end of the service.

Tea and coffee are served after our morning gathering, giving people the opportunity to mingle and chat.

Sunday mornings at Trinity are open to all. It doesn’t matter how you dress; the important thing is that you come along and share with us in praising God.


9:45am: (two Sundays per month):

  • Core
  • Years 8-14
  • in Coffee Bar


  • Morning Worship in the church, followed by coffee & tea in Coffee Bar
  • Kingdom Kids (age 3 -11) leave service around 10:45am

(Prayer ministry available afterwards in the Prayer Room: exit the door beside the pulpit and 2nd door on the left.)


We have evening gatherings for short courses, mission-focussed events or for Praise and Prayer, every few weeks throughout the year. Keep an eye on The Hub and on our Facebook page for details.