Summer Arrangements

Pastoral Contact during Stephen’s Holidays

After this Sunday, 30th June, Stephen will be on holidays, returning w/c 22nd July. During this time, Rev. Walter McCorkell will cover emergency pastoral care and funerals. Please contact Walter in the event of an urgent pastoral care need arising.

Other holidays

Rob will also be on holidays during July, returning w/c 22nd July.

Sam will be on holidays w/c 29th July.

The office will be closed from 1pm on Thursday 11th July, re-opening on Wednesday 31st July.

Church Email

Over the quieter summer months, rather than weekly, the email with church news and announcements will be sent out only on the following Fridays:

·         2nd August

·         30th August

Please get any announcements and advance notice of anything planned for August to Alex in the Church Office by Wednesday 31stJuly, in time for the next email.


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