Whether you are new to Christianity and want to find out more, or whether you have moved to Bangor and need to find a new church family, please continue visiting our site to get a flavour of life at Trinity.
A good place to start is the About Trinity Bangor page. We enjoy welcoming people into our church community, which is greatly enriched by its blend of long-standing and recently arrived members.
If you are new, then the best place to start visiting is probably one of our Sunday morning services. We meet at 10.30am in our church building. Our morning church gathering is very family-friendly. Babies and toddlers are welcome with their parents and we have a well-stocked toy box in the welcome area, if they need a break from the service. Children from age 3 are able to leave the service after the opening section, to move to the halls for their own age-tailored programme (Kingdom Kids).
In addition to the 10.30am service, young people, from Year 8 and above have the opportunity to become involved in Core.
Small Groups
At Trinity we run a number of fortnightly small groups (‘Lifegroups‘), meeting at different points in the week. These are based around the Bible and aimed at helping people in every stage of life come to know and follow Jesus. You can find more detail about these by clicking here .
Currently we are using our time together in Lifegroups to follow up on our ongoing, Sunday-morning sermon series, talking through what following Jesus might look like in our individual lives and life within our community.
Just Looking …?
If you are interested in exploring Christianity, Stephen or Rob will be glad to speak to you individually. We are also happy to facilitate group discussions.
Alternatively, you could begin your exploration with the videos below.
What is Christianity?
Life According to Jesus
Need more information?
Please speak to Stephen or Rob (or any member of the church family) after any of our services or contact us via church office: secretary@trinitybangor.org.uk.