Worldwide, we currently partner a number of our members working in different areas of the world, because in the words of the 2010 Lausanne Declaration, we believe we must be an active part of “the whole church taking the whole gospel to the whole world.”
Presbyterian Church in Ireland
Serving people at home and overseas is central to the work of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland and Trinity plays its part through prayer and financial support. As well as a large number of church and community workers throughout Ireland and the United Kingdom, PCI has mission workers and partners in more than 20 countries throughout the world. Find out more about the exciting range of work in Ireland and overseas that we support at:
Wycliffe Bible Translators
People need the Bible and the aim of Wycliffe Bible Translators (WBT) is to help people to have the Bible in a language they understand. Of almost 7,000 languages spoken in the world today, nearly 1,800 (representing about 180 million people) are still waiting for a Bible translation program to begin.
Since 1993 Trinity has been supporting a family working with WBT in East Asia, helping with Bible translation for one minority language (with 1.2 million speakers). WBT has a plan, Vision 2025: to see a Bible translation program in progress in every language still needing one by the year 2025.
Jeremiah and Lydia James serve in an Old Testament translation project for a people group in the southern Philippines. (Lydia (nee Hunter), another Trinity member, left for the Philippines in 2014 to do some language research supporting translation for a minority language there.) The New Testament was completed a number of years ago. In recent years Christians have requested an Old Testament translation as well. A translation of the complete Bible will not only be of use to the many who cannot use the majority-language versions, but also allows believers to follow Christ without losing their unique cultural identity.
Ceri grew up within the Trinity church family and has been associated with YWAM since she was 16, working with them on and off since graduating. She became a full time staff worker in New Zealand in 2011. Ben joined YWAM in 2013, after Bible college. They married December 2015 and continued working for YWAM at Tauranga on the north island, training and equipping young people in evangelism, discipleship and leadership.
In February 2019 they moved to Auckland to begin a new phase of work – with Catalyst. They remain responsible for raising their own prayer and financial support.
Open Doors
We are pleased to associate with Christians and their families right across the world, who find themselves the subject of persecution, imprisonment without trial, torture and even death. Open Doors receives support in prayer and financial giving from our church and its members. They rejoice in the blessing of God upon folk in grim circumstances and in the many wonderful stories of steadfastness and faithfulness of our brothers and sisters in Christ in adversity. In late spring 2017 one of our members cycled from Bangor to Turkey to raise the awareness of the plight of the suffering church and to raise funds.
Christian Aid
Christian Aid is a Christian organisation that insists the world can and must be swiftly changed to one where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty. Christian Aid works worldwide to help see this goal fulfilled.
Christian Aid’s work is founded on Christian faith, inspired by hope and acts to change an unjust world through charity – a practical love and care for our neighbours.
Here at Trinity we support Christian Aid’s work by organising, delivering, collecting and collating donations made during Christian Aid week. This takes place during the month of May.
Tear Fund
When a community lifts itself out of poverty, everything changes. Poverty does more than exhaust, starve, trap and kill people. It destroys their sense of worth, limits their horizons, robs people of the chance to reach their full potential. Tearfund’s call is to follow Jesus where the need is greatest. The organisation longs for new life and a new sense of worth for people and seeks to do whatever it takes to end poverty and rebuild poor communities.
Tearfund works through local churches, because they’re Jesus’ body on earth, ready to care for the whole person – and the whole community – inside and out.
Containers for Malawi
Boxes of educational and medical supplies are provided annually to support the work of schools and hospitals in Malawi. This is a PCI initiative which is much appreciated by our missionaries working in Malawi.
Harvest for the Hungry
Harvest for the Hungry aims to brighten the lives of Europe’s poorest and most vulnerable with essential supplies of food. This organisation works across 15 European countries in over 70 projects. They are also seeking to point Europe towards Christ, and compassion towards Europe.
We in Trinity support them on an annual basis at our Harvest Service, held in October.
Summer service
We are also involved in a number of short-term mission programmes, with many of our young members actively engaged each year in outreach both locally and further afield.
Each summer our young people are involved in outreach with Scripture Union camps and CSSMs, New Irish Arts, Young Life and Christians in Sport.
For a number of years some Trinity members have taken part in mission trips to Latvia, now organised by Helen’s Bay Presbyterian and others have joined with Trinity Boardmills in their Trinity Connect sports week.
In addition, for the past 5 years, a team from Trinity (in 2017 joined by 3 young people from Bangor Parish) have partnered with Josiah Venture in Czech Republic to run English/sport/creative camps and other outreach activities. In August 2018 a group of Czech young people travelled in the opposite direction and joined us in Bangor, for a week of Bible teaching in the mornings, sightseeing in the afternoons and evenings spent working along our own Holiday Bible Club team.