This Sunday after church Rob will lead a Zoom Gathering to allow parents to encourage one another and to discuss his latest article below. See Stephen’s Friday email for Zoom link.

This Sunday after church Rob will lead a Zoom Gathering to allow parents to encourage one another and to discuss his latest article below. See Stephen’s Friday email for Zoom link.
Click Continue reading … for the second article in our Discipleship at Home series. There will again be a ZOOM call to allow parents to chat through the ideas in the article – this time at 12:30pm on Sun 31st January. If you’d like to join that, send Rob an email All parents of […]
Supporting One Another… At the moment, having our usual Parents’ Breakfasts isn’t an option, but for any who’d like to chat with other parents, there will be a ZOOM call at 12:30 on Sun 13 Dec.. If you’d like to join that, just send Rob an email at and he’ll forward the link. The Zoom […]
Click Continue reading… for Rob’s first article in this series for families. Supporting One Another… At the moment, having our usual Parents’ Breakfasts isn’t an option, but for any who’d like to chat with other parents, there will be a ZOOM call at 12:30 on Sun 13 Dec.. If you’d like to join that, just […]
Normally around this time of year, we’d be doing bits and pieces in Church with P7s and Rob would be going into a few schools with Scripture Union to help with their IT’S YOUR MOVE programme. Unfortunately that’s not been possible this year. ☹️ However SU have made three 15-20-minute videos, with an activity sheet available […]
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