Archive | Looking Outwards


Monthly Collection 2 February

The next collection for Storehouse will take place on Sunday 2 February. Please leave your gift to Storehouse at the door to the Church Office on your way into church through the halls or in the Welcome Area. Storehouse is running low on the following items and would particularly welcome gifts of: · Tinned mince and onion or chunky […]

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Eat, Pray, Give

If you are one of the many who have benefitted from the input of Scripture Union, this is a week of opportunity. Throughout the Week Following on from S.U. Sunday on 12th January, join those who are making SUNI a particular focus, as they pray this week… Saturday 18 January Save the date:

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Operation Christmas Child 11-18 November

This year we will be partnering again with Samaritan’s Purse in their initiative Operation Christmas Child. The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to show God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Since 1993, […]

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Harvest for Hungry TEN

Transform Europe Network

This autumn Trinity will again be supporting Transform Europe Network’s Harvest for the Hungry initiative. There are envelopes in the pews for your donations. Please visit the following link for more information: Find out more about TEN’s work more generally here:…

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Special Events blue

Following Jesus in France

A chance this Sunday evening to catch up with the Kyles and learn more about what life is like for our brothers and sisters in France. Some may need to arrive late, after attending the Bangor Worldwide gathering at Hamilton Road Presbyterian at 6:30PM. This will be a very informal evening – just arrive when […]

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Fundraiser Thursday 16 May at 7.30 pm

Scripture Union NI Schools Project Fundraiser – Thursday 16th May at 7.30 pm Claire and Lisa, a decluttering duo behind ‘Order in the House’, will inspire you with their top tips for organisation. There will be tea, coffee and desserts, and time for Q&As. Make sure to save the date and invite others to come along! […]

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News of the 2023 Campaign

Trinity continues to support the Operation Christmas Child initiative of Samaritan’s Purse. A message from Janeal about the 2023 campaign: I would like to thank Stephen, the congregation, GB, BB, Cameo and Friendship Group for all their support during the 2023 campaign. Trinity donated 68 boxes, online boxes and donations given. We could not carry […]

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Kiltonga CC needs children’s coats

Kiltonga Christian Centre has urgent need for children’s coats, both for local children and to make up welcome packs for children recently arrived in Northern Ireland with their families as refugees. If you have any coats in good condition you could donate (age: toddlers to teenagers), please leave them in a bag by the office […]

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