Team Members Archive

Sam O’Neill


Sam O’Neill was appointed caretaker in January 2019, having been a member of Trinity for 25 years. He also serves as captain of 4th Bangor B.B. company, a member of Kirk Session and Church Committee and of the Property TMT (Trinity Ministry Team).

Sam is married to Margaret and has three married children and seven grandchildren. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with the family, caravanning, getting outdoors to explore the coast and countryside and visiting places of historical interest

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    Rev Stephen Orr


    Stephen has been minister at Trinity since September 2017. His desire is that the church family will worship and glorify God, loving one another, serving in our church and communities, growing as followers of Jesus and sharing our stories of faith with the people around us.

    Stephen is originally from Ballymena where he was Assistant Minister in High Kirk. Before entering the ministry he taught Technology and Maths in Slemish Integrated College.

    He is married to Karen and they have a daughter Abigail. Stephen enjoys family time and coffee.


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      Rob Gamble

      Coordinator of Youth Ministry

      Rob GambleRob became our youth worker in January 2014, having been part of the church for 4 years previous to this. He has been involved in youth work and youth ministry for 10 years, completing a degree in Youth and Community Studies at the University of Wales, Newport.

      After graduating university, he worked for a Christian charity called ACET for 4 years, delivering drugs education, sexual health and mental health programmes with at-risk young people all over Northern Ireland.

      He is married to Steph and they have two small daughters, Aria and Mila. In his spare time Rob enjoys playing sports, such as golf and football, and listening to music and watching movies.


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