Sunday 16 June

Sunday, 16th June our worship service in the church at 10.30 am will be led by Stephen Orr.

We are pausing our journey through the Bible for the summer months and, after looking recently at chapters in Acts where have seen the disciples travel out with the message into the wider world, we are turning, now, to look at the Gospel of John to consider in more detail how Jesus strengthened and encouraged his disciples for what he was calling them to do.

Kingdom Kids

Kingdom Kids will be in the halls during the course of the service for children aged 4-11 years.

Prayer Ministry

Prayer Ministry is available in the church at the end of the service each Sunday morning. If you have a prayer request that you would like the Prayer Ministry Team to pray about in confidence, please pass it on to any member of the team.

After the Service

Following the service there will be a short Congregational Meeting regarding appointment of new church Trustees and after that there will be the usual opportunity for Tea & Coffee in the Coffee Bar.


If you feel unable to attend church any week, you can connect via the livestream on our YouTube channel. Please search for Trinity Bangor YouTube. Each week’s full service will remain available for a few days and after that the sermon only will remain online.


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