So what should we expect as we return from the period of the coronavirus pandemic? Will everything revert to the same old, same old? Will our world be the same? Will we be the same people? Will our church be the same? If so, we will have learned none of the lessons God wants to teach us. The world needs to be different. For it to be so, it needs us to have become different people, in a different church, reinvigorated by the message of the difference knowing Jesus makes. The Prism sessions aim to facilitate reflection on how to come back from the impact of the coronavirus pandemic further restored into the image of Christ as his church and people.
“Prism: Perspectives from the pandemic experience”
Today we were on week 7 of a sermon series, following themes from “Prism: Perspectives from the pandemic experience”. Rob took us into James 4:13-17 for insights into living with uncertainty.
But how…?
Some suggestions for learning to live well in the present, in the midst of a heightened sense of the uncertainty of the future…
For those who find it hard to know where to start with stillness… click here.
Two books which some may find helpful:
- Rhythms of Grace, Tony Horsfall
- The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, John Mark Comer
You can check out here (see session 7) some helpful, downloadable, suggestions for further reflection on James 4 – either on your own or with a friend or in a Lifegroup.