Seeking God for transformation 2

God wants His people to become like Christ. Christlikeness is the will of God for the people of God.

John R. W. Stott


If I do not have love, I am nothing…

More reflections from 1 Corinthians 13 on the nature of love:


love is not self-seeking

If I love others only as long as they give me what I want, follow my wishes, meet my needs, I don’t really love them at all – I just like what they do for me and give to me.


love is not easily angered

It has a fuse. It is not quick to explode; it doesn’t get angry easily. Love only gets angry when something is really wrong.


love keeps no record of wrongs

It doesn’t hold onto a list of past grievances. Once issues are addressed, love would rather release others to a better future than chain them to a bad past.


love does not delight in evil

It can’t approve of anything that is not of God. God’s kind of love wants the best for others, and evil is never best for anyone – it always destroys in the long run.


but rejoices with the truth

When someone falls into evil and scandal, love resists the temptation to rejoice or gloat or say “I told you so” and instead stands with the truth and seeks every possible way to turn people from the harmfulness of evil to the health of God’s truth.

In light of the above, reflect on the areas where change may be needed:

Winter evening in Ward Park

I will not deceive myself by saying I am free from sin.[1] I will not ignore the ways I fall short of the self-giving love of Jesus. When I reflect on the qualities love involves, I know I need to bring before you _______ and _______. Thank you that as I make a clean breast of these things turn away from them, you will be true to yourself and forgiving towards me. I ask, Lord, for the help of your grace, for your power working in me, to bring about changes I cannot make myself and for wisdom to know how I can co-operate with you as you work in me. Bring all my thoughts and desires into line with your way of viewing things and your way of acting.


[1] See 1 John 1.8-10