Storehouse News

Storehouse has been busier than ever during Lockdown.

Below is some news from Margaret Baillie, who now heads up operations.

I hope everyone is keeping safe. This is just an update on Storehouse.

We are continuing to operate on Mondays and Thursdays. Pauline and Valerie are doing a fantastic job keeping everything going. We are operating a social distancing policy and a big thank you to Sue, Ron, Lorna, Christine and Karen who are packing hampers, Dessi and Gary who sorts, Robin who collects the vegetables, John & Maureen who deliver. We have also a couple of people from North Down Community network who are delivering.

The number of hampers given out are more than before and we can only see this increasing as this situation develops. Today we gave out 32 hampers – almost double what we usually do on Mondays.

We have had quite a lot of groceries dropped off at Balloo Avenue on Mondays and Thursdays between 10am and 3 pm.

B&M are giving us £1500 in groceries from their Springhill Store and £750 from their Newtownards store. This is fantastic as we are short of the usual items. We are receiving a lot of cash donations and this has enabled us to buy stock. Tesco and Asda allow us to buy in larger quantities. We also have bought £2500 of meat vouchers and each hamper gets a voucher.

Thank you all for your support. Please continue to pray for our work and the folk who receive them.

Please also pray for our volunteers at the frontline. Hope works in the City hospital ICU and two of Kay’s family are working in the Mater and one in the Royal.

I know that many of you have family in the NHS and we pray for all of them.

God bless,

Margaret Baillie

Storehouse is now located in the former premises of Dawson’s/EMS music store, 12 Balloo Ave, Bangor BT19 7QT (behind Sainsbury’s, on the road leading up to the dump). Donations of food (and multi-use carrier bags) may be left at the door.


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