Trinity Holiday Bible Club – Summer 2024

Planning is now well underway for this year’s Holiday Bible Club: “Champions Challenge” – for kids going into P1 to P7 in September 2024 (with LITs helping).

P1s to P7s will meet each weekday eveningMonday 5th to Friday 9th August, from 6pm to 7.30 pm, ending with a Sunday Club service dedicated to the Holiday Bible Club on Sunday 11th August (10.30 am to 11.30 am).

There will be Teen Hangouts on Tuesday 6th and Thursday 8th August during the daytime.

There will also be an Engage programme open to all who are free (secondary school age upwards to include our adult members) on the Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 10am to 2pm. This will look at how we engage our city in prayer, service and hospitality. It will be a mixture of teaching, lunch and practical service.

If you are willing to volunteer to help with the evening activities, please add your name to the sign up sheet in the Welcome Area, speak with Stephen or Rob, or use the link below.

The previous week, there will be LIT training, preparation and the opportunity to help with setting up the halls on Monday 29th and Wednesday 31st July, and Fri 2nd August, from 10.30 am to 2pm in the halls. Help from any available adults will be welcomed too.

To register, please use these forms:

·         P1s to P7s:

·         LITS:

·         Leaders:


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