Last year we where challenged about the work of IJM (International Justice Mission). Here are the details of this year’s Lent programme.
Sign up to our six part video series and Make #SlaveFree Normal. Once a week, we will drop a 5 minute film with interviews, top tips and news from the frontline to equip you in the fight to stop slavery at source.
International Justice Mission
77% of UK businesses believe there is a likelihood of slavery in their supply chain (ETI 2017). Men, women and children are being forced to work long hours without pay or basic rights and face daily abuse.
This is a brutal and complex problem, but we believe that if we each take action to make small changes, little by little, we will build a future where slavery free products are normal.
To help you act, IJM has put together an inspiring six week video course with experts, guest speakers and top tips that will launch this lent. Together, consumers, activist, citizens, businesses and government, we can help build a world where the people behind our products are protected. Through the series, your actions can help catalyse the changes we need to make #SlaveFree normal.