Youth Club meets fortnightly. Please spread the word by sharing the image below with your friends and come along to enjoy games, hang out and tuck shop. There are tables for pool, table tennis, air hockey and fooseball, as well as X-box and guitar hero.
There will be two sessions each Saturday that we are on: Junior Youth (P5s to Yr 8) from 5.45 pm to 7.15 pm and Youth (Yr8+) from 7.15 pm to 9pm.

Year 8s and Year 9s+ may attend either or both sessions – any Year 9s+ attending the early Junior Youth session will be asked to help with the games and activities for the younger ones during that part of the evening.
Look out for more information and details of the arrangements for youth groups and activities on the youth WhatsApp group or contact Robyn.
Weekends Away
Please also put the dates in your diary for the following:
– MAD weekend in Coleraine coming up, Friday 25th to Sunday 27th October. There are limited numbers available for this, so please speak with Robyn if your young person hopes to attend.
– A Youth Weekend on Friday 11th to Saturday 12th April 2025