Many people have been finding this weekly prayer resource enormously helpful over the past few months.
In this moment – a prayer of new appreciation of silence:
Lord of softly spoken truth,
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I hear the volume of life steadily rising,
how it’s all getting so noisy once again.
In lockdown everything seemed so much quieter,
no planes, less traffic,
fewer crowds, more tranquility.
Lockdown helped me to learn to listen perhaps as never before,
it truly was a time to be silent,
to hear creation voice its praise of you,
to hear one another in a deeper way,
to hear the inner voice of my soul.
Thank you for reminding me that you can be found in the silence,
and that I often fail to sense you present amid the daily hubbub of a busy life.
Thank you for the uncomfortable sense of conviction that silence evoked,
of how often I sin in words casually thought and carelessly uttered,
all adding to the clamour of godless inner and outer chatter.
Thank you for the silent moments of deeper appreciation of all your gifts,
calling forth fresh thanks and praise, fuller adoration and gratitude.
As the racket of life ramps up once more,
help me to carefully recall and retain –
the silent awe of just being in your company,
the silent response as your Spirit brings home your Word to my heart,
the silent heart of prayerful reflection,
the silent moment to remember you go before me in an eventful day,
the silent, unspoken love given and received in just being with someone special.
Hear these my prayers,
softly spoken, deeply felt,
gently offered, greatly sought,
from the one who hears even my inward groans,
as I wait for the full unfolding of future hope in you.
In Jesus’ name.